A safe and welcoming home for the whole family

A safe and welcoming home for the whole family

Here are some helpful tips on how to make your home space more child-friendly

Home is the place where we feel free, happy and safe from the outside world and it is no coincidence that returning from a trip or returning in the evening, the moment in which we enter and close the door behind us becomes a special moment and magical that one feels only in finding one's own spaces and objects.

With the arrival of children at home, the warm atmosphere and that sense of unconditional joy spreads throughout the rooms together with their desire to explore every corner; it is therefore important to make it welcoming and safe, suitable for every stage of their growth.

Safety at home: the organization of areas in the house, furnishings and objects must be based on the age of the child

It is important to create situations in which children can independently experience the world, thus leaving them the freedom to explore it.

But what tricks and advice can we put into practice to make our home the perfect nest for growth, keeping away the possibility of domestic dangers and accidents?

Putting ourselves in his shoes gives us the opportunity to see the world through his eyes, but at the same time - with adult awareness - to notice any "pitfalls" in our home and anticipate or circumvent any risk related to each age group.


A safe living room for children

It is one of the busiest rooms in the house during the day, and the same one where you can give us moments of relaxation for the whole family. However, it has some potential dangers for children, such as sharp edges, plugs and accessible objects. For this reason, there are very useful protections and safety devices on the market such as corner protectors, drawer locks and socket covers to be used to ensure the daily safety of children.

To make your home safer, you should mainly worry about:

  • cover the edges at the height of the children's heads
  • Cover outlets to prevent them from inserting objects or fingers to reduce the risk of electric shock
  • fix the carpets especially for the little ones because, they could trip.

The furniture will then have to be arranged on a child-friendly basis: it is better to move chairs, tables or low cabinets on which he could climb and fix the bookcases to the wall to avoid the risk of dropping them on himself.

Further precautions concern all that series of small objects or accessories that could be a risk and a danger to the health and safety of children: pens, batteries, buttons or coins it is advisable to keep them closed in a closed drawer or box, or in any case outside out of the reach of children.

In the presence of stairs in the house, internal or external, it is necessary to check that the railing bars are not scalable and also that they are narrow enough so that it is impossible to put one's head in them or it is possible to lean too much from above.

As they learn to go up and down stairs, you will need to keep them clear of obstacles, toys or other things that could cause children to trip and it may be helpful to opt for non-slip carpets for the steps. In addition to this, safety gates are also an excellent solution, because they maintain perfect visibility of the child's activity and at the same time prevent him from accessing areas that are not suitable for him by delimiting safe areas. On the market you can also find gates that do not require drilling in the walls but which are fixed by pressure and can be moved without leaving a trace. With some foresight, securing the living room will be simple!

Children and the kitchen: what to do to ensure a safe environment from dangers

It is one of the most loved places by children and adults, a place where we like to be in company and create a sense of family by sharing the joy of preparing food. But it is also a potentially risky place and for this reason it is very important to adopt some precautions and expedients to avoid accidents in the kitchen and thus guarantee a safe environment: to avoid dangers and problems in the vicinity of the stove, always turn the handles of pots and pans inside the fires and out of the reach of children. Constant supervision of the child is essential in the kitchen, especially if there are cooking activities in progress or near the hob to avoid the danger of burns. It is imperative to store knives, detergents and other potentially dangerous utensils in places inaccessible to children of all ages. In any case, to be safe, never leave your child alone in the kitchen.

There are so many objects to keep safe that could cause danger to the child, which is why it is important to use wall unit locks or drawer locks and corner guards to protect every corner and corner and avoid the danger of bruises in the home. Great attention must also be paid to all those small foods that the child could easily put in his mouth such as candies, grapes, cherry tomatoes: all rounded fruits and vegetables must be cut horizontally to avoid the danger of suffocation.


Baby's bath: a special moment to be experienced in safety

The baby's bath is a moment of intimacy and care, but it requires attention to ensure his safety. It is advisable to use a bathtub designed specifically for newborns and to have accessories such as non-slip mats or, in the case of newborns, bath supports to support the body while washing it. Before immersing the baby in the tub, it is essential to check the water temperature to avoid burns and to keep all the accessories that will be useful close at hand so that you never have to leave the baby.

During the bath, remember to always keep one hand in contact with the baby with fingers spread on his back, a delicate but presence touch that will also help increase the bond of trust and protection between parents and child.

For those who keep detergents and cleaners useful for home hygiene in the bathroom, which are often toxic and potentially dangerous if accidentally ingested or touched by children, it is important to keep them safely closed inside tall furniture and cabinets away from children or tightly closed with childproof safety locks: also in this case: wall lock " mon amour

How to secure your child's bedroom: essential accessories

To secure the child's bedroom, in addition to the basic measures such as fixing the furniture to the walls, it is also important to consider the use of specific accessories. Here are some tips for parents:

  • Safe cot: Make sure your child's cot has high bars and a safe distance (no more than 8cm apart). In this way, the child will not be able to trap his head or body between the bars. You can also opt for a highly breathable bed barrier or bed rail, with padded profiles for greater safety. The bed rail can also be useful if the mattress is built into the bed unit.
  • Suitable pillow: until the first year of age, a pillow is not necessary. In any case, choose openwork models with a three-dimensional structure that promotes air circulation and supports the neck and shoulders. This will help maintain proper back position while sleeping.
  • Cable management: Organize electrical cables so that they are not accessible to children. There are several devices on the market that can help you with this task, such as cable covers or wall channels to hide cables and maintain a safer environment.
  • Window safety: Consider installing safety devices on your windows, such as limiters or locks. The opening limiters allow you to control the amount of space that can be opened, preventing the child from being able to open them completely. Locking devices prevent children from fully opening the window.
  • Baby supervision: Wi-Fi connected and wireless baby monitors and video baby monitors can be very useful for keeping an eye on the baby when it falls asleep. This way, you won't have to go in and out of the bedroom and risk waking him up. Keep in mind that, for health protection, it is important to choose devices with advanced technologies. For example, baby monitors with TULE (True Ultra Low Emission) technology offer very low electromagnetic emissions, reducing radiation exposure.

House terraces, balconies and small children: precautions and suggestions for being together in safety

For those who own a balcony or terrace, they know how beautiful it is to live it while enjoying the good weather and relaxing outdoors; here it will be necessary to pay attention to the railing, using the same attention dedicated to the stairs, but also to handholds, vases or chairs on which to climb.

There are also plants with which the child could come into contact which are potentially dangerous if ingested or which could create allergies: among the most common are azalea, cyclamen, ficus, jasmine, wisteria, oleander and star Christmas. In these cases, you can ask your trusted florist for advice on which ones to choose to be sure of having a beautifully furnished balcony or terrace with harmless plants. Small precautions which, however, will not prevent you from spending pleasant free time on the balcony or terrace with your baby!

"Children safe at home", the guide of the Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health has dedicated the booklet "Children safe at home" to the topic which, divided into articles, reads how to reduce the risks of common but dangerous domestic accidents.

The brief guide focuses on the main risks at home (falls, asphyxiation/drowning, accident in a car) and for which there are easy-to-implement prevention measures: for example, before starting any activity it is advisable be organized to have everything necessary available for each step to be taken so as to never leave the child alone. Inside you can find many useful tips to share with grandparents and babysitters!


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