Is the soother good or bad for my baby?

Is the soother good or bad for my baby?

The pacifier is always a highly debated topic in the medical field by both pediatricians and dentists who agree on the positive aspects of using it correctly and without abusing it, after starting and consolidating breastfeeding.

Here are the benefits of the pacifier:

  • it is a relaxing pleasure because it satisfies the natural instinct to suck, calms tears, reduces tension and helps to fall asleep peacefully, favoring a more regenerating rest
  • during sleep helps reduce the risk of sudden infant death SIDS ( Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
  • avoid the habit of finger sucking which, in addition to being a very difficult habit to remove, is an even more harmful habit since the finger exerts more intense pressure on the teeth and palate.
  • during the imminent arrival of the first teeth, avoid the natural impulse to always put your little hands in your mouth
  • during air travel it is useful for reducing ear pain caused by pressure variations during take-off and landing

The pacifier is undoubtedly a great ally of mothers in some situations; calm crying, relax tension and help your baby fall asleep peacefully for a regenerating rest that helps good growth.

Increased salivation starting from the third month: how to avoid pacifier irritation

One of the most stressful moments of growth is the imminent arrival of the first teeth and the development of the salivary glands which are two indirectly connected events but which make the child nervous. During this time he can't fall asleep, he cries often, saliva is abundant and he has the natural impulse to put his hands in his mouth. At the same time he is developing a chewing stimulus which in turn causes a further production of saliva which he cannot yet swallow and which he therefore expels with drooling. In this period the pacifier can be useful to calm the baby and if you don't choose the right model you can risk the annoying irritations caused by the stagnation of saliva between the skin and the shield or mask of the pacifier, if this does not allow for proper ventilation or has wide edges that in any case rest on the areas of the skin around the mouth at risk of rubbing, creating a new vicious circle of annoyances.

In these cases it is enough to choose a light pacifier model with thin edges, which anatomically embraces the area around the mouth and which allows a continuous passage of air between the skin and the mask or shield of the pacifier such as for example the Air.55 pacifier by Nuvita, breathable and created specifically not to interfere with the harmonious development of the oral cavity and which keeps the skin around the mouth always dry and in contact with less plastic material to avoid annoying pacifier irritations.

How to choose a soother: shapes and materials

Which shape for the teat or teat: Orthodontic or Symmetrical? To date, there are no certain scientific studies aimed at identifying the best shape; certainly we know that the child usually chooses by himself the one that feels more "comfortable" to his palate according to the depth, width and structure of his mouth. For this reason, if you don't immediately accept a soother with an orthodontic shape, for example, it's always worth trying the symmetrical shape.

In all cases, the base of the teat must be thin so as to support the natural closure of the mouth to avoid misalignment of the teeth and damage to the palate. As regards the material in contact with the oral cavity, for example the "Skin-like" silicone with a "mother-skin" effect reproduces the sensation of the nipple for a greater calming and relaxing effect.

A little help for the future

Choose a super light pacifier such as Nuvita Air. 55 is also essential to minimize its perception and therefore the habit of "feeling" the pacifier resting on the skin. This will help in the phase of definitive abandonment of the pacifier which can happen either naturally or usually encouraged by the parents but which in any case must take place within 3 years of age as specialists suggest.

Cool! and Explorer the new Nuvita collections in day and night versions

40 different motifs in different colors between writings and drawings for the Cool line and 10 different images of animals for the Explorer line: the richest collection of pacifiers to choose from between the day versions and with a central element that glows in the dark for the night.


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