Nuvita Blog: Tips for dealing with the challenges of parenting -

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Come preparare, conservare e scaldare il latte quando si è fuori casa

L'alimentazione di un bambino nei primi mesi di vita è uno degli aspetti più delicati e fondamentali della cura infantile, e finché ci si trova nell’intimità della propria casa con tutte le comodità è tutto più semplice. Diverso è se ci si trova ad affrontare un viaggio in auto, in treno o in aereo, oppure si decide di trascorrere una giornata spensierata fuori casa con un bambino in età di allattamento.
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10 mistakes to avoid when preparing a bottle of breast milk or formula

The preparation of milk for the baby, whether it is breast milk or formula, plays a crucial role in his growth and well-being, but some common mistakes can compromise the quality of the little one's nutrition.
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Changes in sleep in children aged 0-5 years. The causes of awakenings and solutions for teaching good sleep

Sleep is crucial for the growth and development of the child, both during pregnancy and later in the first years of life. Although the fetus sleeps a lot, sleep needs and patterns change dramatically after birth.

In particular, the main variations in sleep occur with a variation in the natural circadian rhythm of sleep-wake and dream activity. 

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Christmas gift ideas 2023: guide to choosing original and useful Christmas gifts

Christmas is approaching and the annual gift rush begins! Finding the perfect gift for the people we love can be stressful, but with a little creativity and planning you can find meaningful and affordable gifts. Here are some Christmas gift ideas that can inspire and help you in your search for a Christmas gift idea Perfect; suggestions suitable for all budgets, original and non-trivial, which convey affection to loved ones. We hope that these ideas can be of help and inspiration to you and... happy searching for the perfect Christmas gift idea!

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